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In the first few years, your child's sleep requirements are ever-changing and it can be difficult to keep up. This can often leave you feeling like their sleep quality has worsened, when in likelihood their sleep needs have just developed. All children are different, but typically speaking, the key transitions are:
Our membership service, for parents of children from 0-3 years, is designed to prompt suggested changes to your child's sleep schedule in-line with their developmental needs. We contact you at typical transition points and will advise you on signs of readiness to look out for so that you feel empowered to judge when your child is ready for each change.
As detailed below, these will be either linked specifically to your child's next anticipated transition (Transition emails), or will provide more general sleep guidance at key times throughout the year (General sleep guidance emails):
3-4 X Transition emails
Depending on your child's age you will receive either 3 or 4 emails each year that will make you aware of signs of readiness to look out for and will include recommended changes to your child's existing schedule. We will also provide more detailed advice on any new strategies or methods that might be useful for navigating the 'bigger' transitions such as moving from a cot to a bed, or cutting out naps completely.
2-3 General sleep guidance emails
Depending on your child's age you will receive either 2 or 3 emails each year. These won't necessarily be specific to your child's age but will provide more general sleep guidance on things such as clock changes, staying away from home, travel & holidays, coping with heat etc.
Following each of our membership emails, you can reply to ask any questions that you have, or let us know of any difficulties that you have encountered that you require further support with.
During each year of your membership you will be credited with one Follow-up Support Call which can be booked at your discretion at any time throughout the 12-month period. If a significant amount of time has lapsed since your plan, and your schedule has gone slightly, or completely, off track then you may want to use this call early on in order to be able to make the most of your membership emails.
In addition to the standard Sibling Discount, you will also receive a free Initial Consultation for any of your child's siblings that you may subsequently want to sleep train.
Your PayPal account/debit card will be debited monthly until the month your child turns 3, or you choose to cancel. Please keep in mind that as per the information above, you may not receive your first membership email straight away, however, you are able to use your support call at your discretion.
You will receive an automated payment confirmation from PayPal followed by a confirmation from which will arrive within 24 hours (often sooner).
Whenever a client books one of our plans we ask them where they heard about us in their preliminary questionnaire. If you are named by someone you have recommended our services to, then we will offer you three months free membership, assuming your child is the appropriate age and you have followed a full plan with them previously.
If you qualify for this offer then once you have been named by someone, we will get in touch via the email we have on file for you to let you know.
There is no limit as to how many times you can use this offer, we will provide three free months for each new referral.
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