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Yet only 5% of new parents are getting the recommended amount of sleep each night and this continues on average for the first four to six years.
Sleep deprivation often leaves people feeling irritable with a lack of focus and a short temper. It can also make it difficult for those affected to concentrate and make decisions. A continued lack of sleep can cause people to feel down, a feeling that can easily develop into a long-term disorder such as depression or anxiety.
At best, sleep deprivation will leave parent employees with a general lack of energy and an increased chance of illness or injury. At worst, those suffering from prolonged sleep deprivation could become prone to serious medical conditions that could severely impact their day to day wellbeing.
Sleep deprived parents are less likely to be able to, or have the desire to, socialise with colleagues, which can impact on their ability to build relationships. If you have ever noticed an unexplained change in behaviour in someone in your workforce, sleep deprivation could be to blame.
The annual cost that sleep deprivation has on the economy in the UK alone.
The estimated annual cost in the reduction of productivity, motivation, and related health care costs per employee.
The number of working days lost due to a combination of sick days and sub-optimal working.
The average reduction in productivity in sleep deprived members of the workforce.
The increase in likelihood of workplace accidents.
The percentage of errors caused by sleep deprived workers.
“Wellbeing now is an employer’s opportunity to support employees in all aspects of their personal and work lives, the focus has shifted from improving organizational benefits to enhancing the individual and family life experiences of workers" Forbes, Jan 2022.
62% of employees now identify wellbeing benefits as a key factor in deciding whether to apply for a new job. HR leaders will therefore need to take a more personalised approach to wellbeing benefits where the goal is to create a culture of care that meets the needs of all workers.
On average, parents sleep 59% less than the recommended eight hours for the first six years of their child's life. A happier and healthier workforce will value employers who put their wellbeing, and that of their families, at the heart of their business. It will also help more parents successfully return to work and prevent burnout.